Friday, December 4, 2015

MSSQL - A Simple Way to Create A Temp Demo Table

This is an interesting way to build a SQL table.  It might be useful when writing some sample code.

Instead of using create table and insert rows this simple sql does it all to create a temp table:

SELECT col1, col2
FROM (VALUES ('January', 1),('Feburary', 2),('March', 3),('April', 4),('May', 5)) AS tbl(col1, col2)

See the WHERE clause to see a way to referencing the temp table:

SELECT col1, col2
FROM (VALUES ('January', 1),('Feburary', 2),('March', 3),('April', 4),('May', 5)) AS tbl(col1, col2)

WHERE tbl.col1 = 'January'

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