Friday, December 4, 2015

MSSQL - Checking Running SPID and Find the running SQL

,   right(convert(varchar,
            dateadd(ms, datediff(ms, P.last_batch, getdate()), '1900-01-01'),
            121), 12) as 'batch_duration'
,   P.program_name
,   P.hostname
,   P.loginame
from master.dbo.sysprocesses P
where P.spid > 50
and      P.status not in ('background', 'sleeping')
and      P.cmd not in ('AWAITING COMMAND'
                    ,'MIRROR HANDLER'
                    ,'LAZY WRITER'
                    ,'CHECKPOINT SLEEP'
                    ,'RA MANAGER')
order by batch_duration desc

--If you need to see the SQL running for a given spid from the results, use something like this:
    @spid int
,   @stmt_start int
,   @stmt_end int
,   @sql_handle binary(20)

set @spid = 72 -- Fill this in

select  top 1
    @sql_handle = sql_handle
,   @stmt_start = case stmt_start when 0 then 0 else stmt_start / 2 end
,   @stmt_end = case stmt_end when -1 then -1 else stmt_end / 2 end
from    master.dbo.sysprocesses
where   spid = @spid
order by ecid

    SUBSTRING(    text,
            COALESCE(NULLIF(@stmt_start, 0), 1),
            CASE @stmt_end
                  WHEN -1
                        THEN DATALENGTH(text)
                        (@stmt_end - @stmt_start)
FROM ::fn_get_sql(@sql_handle)

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