Saturday, November 16, 2013

Windows - Move WINDOWS/INSTALLER Folder to Different Drive

Is your operating system partition out of space?

You can typically free up a few gigabytes of storage if you move yourc:\windows\installer folder to a different partition or external drive.
Windows doesn’t provide a way for you to do this with the registry, but you can easily do it by manually moving the files, and then creating a symbolic link to the new location.
First you need to download a program from Microsoft (sysinternals) called JUNCTION.EXE.  This program allows you to create symbolic links.
You can download JUNCTION from the following microsoft site:
Unzip the file and copy it to your c:\windows\system32 folder so that you can easily execute it.
  • Set Windows to SHOW ALL HIDDEN FILES (including operating system files)
  • CUT and PASTE the C:\windows\installer folder to the new location
    ex.  d:\windows\installer
  • Launch a Command Prompt (as administrator) and execute the following command.
junction.exe  c:\windows\installer d:\windows\installer

From Dunham Tech

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